If you are unaware of what Shatter and Resin are, these are the cannabis concentrates that contain higher THC levels than marijuana. Concentrates contain all the cannabinoids and terpenes of cannabis flowers, which are responsible for the effects, aroma, and flavours you experience when consuming any cannabis product. 

There are many different methods to store Shatter and resin. Whatever process is used, the primary purpose is to save Shatter and resin from the outside elements like light, humidity, and air so that their quality is not compromised.

For short-term storage, silicon jars and parchment paper are the go-to methods, but you have to take a step forward for long-term storage. The two most common methods for long-term storage include freezing and using alcohol-based tincture though new technologies are making their way. This article will explain the best ways to preserve Shatter and resin for a more extended period.


Chill Out and Freeze Your Concentrates

Freezing is the most commonly used method for storing the Shatter and Resin for long term, but freezing also has its drawbacks. First, you must use the same parchment paper to wrap around and then place it in a glass jar. It is best to have a tainted or opaque glass jar as it will prevent the exposure of the concentrates to the light. However, you can’t use silicon jars instead of glass as there are chances that Shatter gets attached to the walls if kept for a more extended period.

One considerable risk associated with freezing is that your concentrates may catch humidity if freezing is not done correctly. It impacts the concentrate’s water contents, makes it difficult to smoke, and degrades the flavour. To protect it from humidity, you start with wrapping parchment paper around it or placing it in a glass jar. The next step is to put them in a vacuum-sealed or air-tight container to protect them from the air. 

However, the storage temperature should not frequently fluctuate as it will degrade the concentrate’s quality. While thawing, keep the jar sealed until it reaches room temperature. Immediately opening the jar will lead to adding the moisture to the concentrate that we already described is not the desired thing.


Storing in Alcohol-Based Tinctures

Given that there are no additives and glycerine in the solution, you can always use an alcohol-based tincture for storage for up to 6 months to 1 year. Of course, it will involve the same process of keeping them in an uncontaminated glass jar in a temperature-controlled environment.

Modified Air Packaging (MAP)

Another method can be modified air packaging, which involves changing the gases around the concentrate in the jar. This increases the shelf life of the concentrates by preventing their oxidation and spoilage. One of the most popular methods in this category is desiccant packs, which are mostly seen inside pill bottles. 

With concentrates, however, this method is being used as a fresh approach to improving the quality of the fresh products packaged with low processing. This method can preserve the concentrates’ quality and freshness and help maintain the visual and olfactory properties. 

Preserving cannabis in the summer season is all the more important because the heat and the harsh sunlight can badly affect the quality of your cannabis. To ensure that your cannabis quality is maintained, check out this guide specifically curated to help the users preserve the quality and the freshness of their weed in the summer.


Now You’re a Pro! Well, at Preserving Shatter and Resin at Least.

So the final words are you should go for the freezing as it is the easiest of all the methods out there, and a lay person can do it. All the other techniques we discussed also help preserve the concentrates’ quality and freshness. 

At WeedHub, we strive for the best possible quality and provide our users with the freshest and the most appealing products. Our shatter and live resins are just one example of the best quality products we provide. Take a short trip around our product catalogue and see the premium products that will take you to other dimensions.
