Magic mushrooms are not only famous for their excellent psychedelic but are also widely grown worldwide. Magic mushrooms or “shrooms” are a group of fungi called psilocybin mushrooms.

Among all the 180 species of psilocybin, the p. Cubensis is the most common one as it is the easiest to grow indoors. However, there are further 60 strains of p. Cubensis, such as the golden teacher, which is the most famous. Others are pink buffalo, penis envy mushrooms and B+, etc. As the name reveals, the psilocybin mushrooms contain a component called psilocybin that is mainly responsible for generating waking dreams or amplifying reality, which we commonly call a psychedelic effect of magic shrooms.


The History of Shrooms

The cubensis strain is a typical golden brown colour and is easily recognizable. These mushrooms are great for giving a psychedelic ride. In ancient times, these have been used for spiritual realization and self-discovery. Masses claim about overwhelmed experience meeting God. The psychedelic punch is considered to have a permanent effect on many users. It has brought permanent positive changes in the lives of many people.

Shrooms turn some of the brain areas louder and more active than the rest of the brain as someone has turned on high voltage lights. Thus, it produces a happy mood. However, this permanent effect is still under scientific investigation.


How Mushrooms Work

The psilocybin mushrooms contain many components in addition to psilocybin, such as psilocin, beaocystin and norbaeocystin. Psilocybin remains the main psychedelic ingredient that converts into psilocin in the body. That psilocin and the others combine to generate a psychotropic effect through a rise in serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter very well known to increase euphoria. Thus these magic shrooms give an out-of-the-world experience through euphoric shroom buzz.

Natural or Synthetic Shrooms

Magic mushrooms have a similar psychedelic effect to cannabis. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is combined with mushrooms to enhance the hallucinogenic effect and produce lasting euphoria.

Natural mushrooms are raw and easily identified. Therefore, they can quickly produce an Entourage effect on the user. But these are not flavoured. Additionally, these raw mushrooms are hard to swallow.


Where to Get Magic Mushrooms Online in Canada

At Weed Hub, our magic mushrooms are carefully crafted. They are available in such unique and tasteful flavours that few of them are simply available as a beverage or snack.

In addition, we provide a wide variety of mushrooms from mild chocolate bites that are not so mild but certainly not potent as Galaxy Capsules. The galaxy capsules are meant to give you an entire psychedelic ride. A ginger capsule accompanies capsules to ward off any post-dose nauseatic feelings.


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