Before you can indulge upon your freshly bought cannabis, you must prepare it for your joint or bong. You do not want to skip nor rush the breaking up process, as it ultimately decides the outcome of your smoking experience. Most intermediate to veteran smokers like to keep a grinder on hand to help them out, but what if you don’t have one? Or you have spent the last 20 minutes looking for yours but can’t seem to locate it? There are plenty of methods to break up your marijuana even if you don’t have a grinder. In this week’s blog you can read up about 5 of our simplest and quickest ways to grind up your beautiful product.

  • Use Your Hands

The most basic method of breaking up cannabis without a grinder would be using your hands. The only downside to this method is that if your buds are quite sticky, you may experience issues cleaning your hands afterward or potentially wasting flakes that refuse to get off your fingers. This can be avoided better by letting the bud dry out for a little before breaking it up.

One thing to note with this method is that you may leave behind some crystals on your fingers, reducing the potency of your cannabis.

  • Parchment Paper/ Wax Paper

Although it sounds a bit odd, you’re reading that correctly. Similar to how you would use your hands, using parchment/wax paper will help keep your hands from getting sticky. The slippery surface will prevent the marijuana buds from sticking while still completing the same job. This method can be utilized in several ways, we recommend cutting smaller pieces of parchment paper and putting them between your fingers.

  • Using A Coffee Grinder

Although it doesn’t sound too traditional, using a coffee grinder is another effective way to get that perfectly grinded cannabis. Being a fairly common household utility, coffee grinders can grind up marijuana just as well as they do with coffee beans.

Before you consider this method, however, remember that it is the toughest option within this list when it comes to clean up time. Coffee grinders often have nooks and crannies, which can potentially be problematic in the case of sticky buds, it depends on your coffee grinder. Also, this method is most helpful when grinding larger quantities of cannabis at once, as it will be very efficient.

  • The Ol’ Reliable Scissors

Like other tactics on this list, this method uses tools that you most likely have around your house. Scissors are the most important, but it is helpful to use a shot glass or small bowl to collect your droppings. Your shot glass is likely cleaned already, but if your scissors are not clean, take a step to sanitize them.

This method is as simple as putting the cannabis in the shot glass or other object and then using the scissors as usual and cutting up the buds. The shot glass will contain the movements of the scissors, maximizing your ability to break up the buds without much of a problem.

  • Using Cards And/Or Keys

If you don’t have scissors and prefer to slice & dice your buds, you could also try cutting them with keys or cards. Credit cards and cards of similar material are usually strong enough to break up your buds without damaging the card. With that in mind, you should still probably use the card that is least important to you. If you use a card, the bonus is that you can also scoop up and collect the buds with it.

If you’d prefer to crush up your buds, use the serrated edges of the keys. We strongly suggest cleaning the keys first since they are typically very dirty. Make note that you may need to clean your keys with an alcohol swab after to remove stickiness and kill any lingering aromas.

Now that you have learned of multiple alternatives to your missing grinder, what are you waiting for? WeedHub is proud to offer our customers with the premium Canadian cannabis for the best value prices around. If you have any remaining questions, feel free to reach out to our Customer Support Team. We’re always happy to help, even if you aren’t shopping with us (yet)!
