Burn Dual Chamber Disposable Vape – Blueberry Cheesecake (Hybrid – 3 Grams)


BURN Disposable 3g THC vaporizers are ideal for consumers looking to experience the immediate and quick onset of effects. Compared to other forms of cannabis enjoyment, such as edibles or tinctures, inhaling sends the cannabinoids straight into your bloodstream with little to no downtime. You can take a couple of hits if you need a little energizing boost to feel focused and alert. Or you can toke a bunch before you go to sleep if you want a good night’s rest. It’s no surprise that weed vaporizers provide a sense of relaxation and comfort that many people enjoy.

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Safety Precautions & Guidelines: Keep out of reach of children and animals. Intoxicating effects may be delayed by up to two hours. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery. Unlawful to redistribute. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Using cannabis during pregnancy may harm your baby and result in low birth weight. Consult with a physician before using.


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Woman Using Vape Pens

Pull Slowly
and Enjoy the Taste

What if a vape pen can taste great while getting you high at the same time? Wouldn’t that be amazing? Well, this is it right here. All marijuana vape pens carried by WeedHub, unless otherwise specified to be CBD-only, pack a cartridge full of flavour with enough THC to send you into a hazy trance. Either that, or motivate you with focus and unwavering energy. Browse our line of vape pens and pick your favourite.

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